What to see in Orvieto

Orvieto Cathedral, one of the masterpieces of Italian Gothic architecture, is famous for its elaborate facade decorated with mosaics, sculptures and bas-reliefs. Inside, the Chapel of San Brizio features frescoes by Luca Signorelli depicting the Last Judgment.

St. Patrick's Well

Built in the 16th century to ensure water supply during sieges, St. Patrick’s Well is an engineering masterpiece with a double helical staircase that allowed mules to carry water without running into each other.

Orvieto underground

A network of underground tunnels dug into the tuff, used since Etruscan times. Guided tours allow visitors to explore ancient cisterns, cellars and other structures that reveal the daily lives of Orvieto’s inhabitants through the centuries.

Torre del moro

This 13th-century tower offers spectacular panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. Climb the 250 steps to the top, from where you can enjoy a magnificent panorama of Orvieto and the Umbrian hills.

Necropoli del Crocifisso del Tufo

One of the most important Etruscan necropolises, dating back to the 6th century BC. This archaeological area offers a fascinating glimpse into Etruscan civilization, with chamber tombs and inscriptions telling ancient stories.

Palazzo del Popolo

Built in the 13th century, this historic palace was the center of Orvieto’s political life. Today it hosts cultural events and exhibitions, but it still retains its medieval charm with the hall of the Quattrocento and the Gothic loggia.

Church of St. Giovenale

One of Orvieto’s oldest churches, dating back to the 11th century, it has well-preserved medieval frescoes and an atmosphere of ancient sacredness.

Albornoz Fortress

Built in the 14th century by Cardinal Albornoz, the fortress offers a panoramic view of the valley and houses a public garden where you can walk and enjoy the tranquility of the place.

Church of St. Andrea

Located in the main square, this church has ancient origins and a Romanesque bell tower. Inside are frescoes of great artistic and archaeological value.

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